The marketing of oranges begins with navel and ends with valencia, both varieties have a high juice yield.

Orange Navel Citrus

Navel orange is a blond-fleshed variety that ripens from October to December.
This variety is characterized by a high juiciness and a low degree of acidity.

Arancia W.Navel

The plant is vigorous and of medium growth and its leaves are large and dark green.
Ripening takes place from mid-December to March.

Agricola Canneto
Lane Late

This very lush, thornless plant is a mutation of Washington.
Its ripening period runs from mid-January to April while its fruits are very juicy and seedless.

Agricola Canneto
Orange Valencia Citrus

Valencia oranges have a light orange color and a very juicy blond pulp.

arancia Valencia-Agricola Canneto

Production and marketing of fruit and vegetables.


Operational : C/da Rasoli - Zona Industriale strada p.4 - Scordia (CT)

 +39 0957189051
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